“The Holistic Wellness Workshop is a natural approach to the body, mind and life energy enabling a pathway to optimal living. It has been derived from the Ancient Yogic System and has been simplified and adapted to benefit the modern lifestyle.”
Translation of the word yoga is UNION; Union Of the Body, the Mind and the Life Energy.
The Ancient Yogic System divides this Union for Better understanding:
- Body:Annamayakosha (or) Food Body
- Mind:Manamayakosha (or) Mental Body
- Energy:Pranamayakosha (or) vital/Energetic Body.
Yoga also means being in Union with our elements.
- Earth is made of 5 elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Space.
- Every Being on Earth is made up of different compositions of these 5 elements.
The 5 elements are derived from their respective sources as :
- Earth: Solid food
- Water: Water/fluids
- Air: Breath
- Fire: Activity
- Space: Sleep
We have to understand, accept and incorporate these 5 elements consciously in a balanced manner to lead a Healthy, Happy, Peaceful & Balanced life.
Yoga literally means Union. To achieve this union, The Ancient Yogic System divided it into 4 major types /branches. Each of these 4 types has to be given equal importance in practice to achieve full union in the evolutionary process. Just by achieving /practicing one area & leaving the rest creates an imbalance & again there is a halt in the process.
The 4 mainstream branches of yoga are :
- Karma Yoga: Fulfillment of one’s duties & responsibilities.
- Bhakti Yoga: Compassion and loving kindness to all beings.
- Kriya Yoga: A conscious bodily movement performed with breath awareness.
- Gnana Yoga: The yoga of knowledge.
‘YOGA is being in UNION.‘
- To share the instructor’s experiential Knowledge for the wellbeing of others.
- To contribute regularly to 3 charity organizations that the instructor volunteers for, from the amount collected from each participant per course. The amount is based on, but not limited to a suggested giving level.
- To further her learning and knowledge in a more profound way.
So, when it is a Win-Win-Win for all involved, it keeps her motivated to conduct these sessions.
The workshops create awareness in lifestyle choices that helps to incorporate these 5 elements into our lives hence creating balance. When a human being realizes the Union already blessed by Nature and learns to Balance the 5 Elements. He /She is well on their journey towards ‘The Higher Evolutionary Process’.
Holistic wellness can be achieved through various natural methods and is not limited to the methods imparted at the workshop. The workshop itself has been designed and structured using the experiential wisdom acquired by the instructor from ‘The Ancient Yogic Systems.’